Journeys With Jack

Monday, April 30, 2007

Jack's Birthday Celebration 2007 Day Three

Day Three of the extravanganza took us first to a soccer game - Jack did great. later that afternoon Jack had most of his classmates join him at Everybody's Pizza in Virginia Highlands for a very special pizza party and magic show. It was great fun and you can tell by the smile that Jack had a blast.

Jack's Birthday Celebration 2007 Day Two

Day Two of the Birthday Extravanganza took us to the traditional Ballou Family gathering place - The Athens Pizza House in Decatur near Emory University. Jack was joined by his Grandfather Dennis Ballou and Grandy, his Aunt Lisa and Uncle Jeff Gibbs from Tifton, his Aunt Roberta and Uncle Robert (and cousin Annie) from Decatur, his Grandma and Grandpa Breedlove and Aunt Jennifer and his Godfather Bill Adams and his fiancee Meredith.

Jack's Birthday Celebration 2007 Day One

Jack's Birthday is 26 April. This year that was on a Thurday. It kicked off a three day birthday extravaganza. Jack took all his classmates some cupcakes. His Mom and I were both book readers to his class on his birthday. Mom read Arthur's Birthday and I read Curious George's Birthday Surprise. Jack selected the varsity Jr. for his personal birthday dinner - he loves hotdogs. We then had our family favorite Orleagian Snowballs. Jack had mango and Kat and I had wedding cake.

Martha Brown Homecoming 2007

Martha Brown United Methodist Church had their annual Homecoming Service. Jack and I joined his Grandma and Grandpa Breedlove, his great Aunt Glo, and his Grandparents good friends Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tuck (who came all the way from Illionois). It was a good time with great down home Southern cookin...Jack's Grandma and Grandpa Breedlove were married in this same church 50 years ago and this school - John B. Gordon is where they went to school.

Grandma Breedlove's Birthday Dinner

Jack took his Grandma Breedlove to dinner at Longhorn Steakhouse on Piedmont Road in Atlanta.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Braves Easter Egg Hunt @ Turner Field

After the game on Easter Sunday, the Braves had an Easter Egg Hunt. Jack had a blast. He got a lot of eggs and a stuffed teddy bear type Easter Bunny. I was just excited for Jack to get to go on the field. Jack and Mom had a talk with Jack's old buddy - the Easter Bunny.
Happy Easter!

Easter Sunday Braves Game

Easter Sunday Braves game. Jack with Homer and Pete van Weren - the legendary Braves announcer. Jack also listened to former Brave Mark Lemeke do the pre-game show.

Easter Morning 2007

Easter Morning 2007. Jack gets a visit from his old friend, the Easter Bunny. Then we are off to the 7:30am service at Christ the King Cathedral on Peachtree Street.

Monday, April 09, 2007

Decorating Easter Eggs

Grandma and Grandpa Breedlove helped Jack decorate eggs for Easter. The theme for the eggs this year was Batman. Jack found, and decided to try on, my roller blades. He did it all by himself, and stood up - then, he fell down...But he got the hang of it and was just very impressive.

Opening Day 2007 - Go Braves!!!!

Opening Day 2007 - the best day of the year!!!!!!!!

The USPS has a few mailboxes painted like R2D2 from Star Wars. here is Jack with one that just outside my office at thr Capitol. Check out Jack with the thumbs up. Let me tell you all, that this Gift from God has come a long way from Opening Day 2006...

More Photos - Governor's Mansion Easter Egg Hunt

Jack's race with the Easter Bunny landed Jack on page one of and page four of the hard copy of the AJC in the Metro section. We were pretty proud of that. Jack also did his first radio interview with the PBS radio network. Jack decorated eggs, made cupcakes and played in the moonwalk and on the playground. We want to thank Governor and Mrs. Perdue for hosting this event.

Governor's Mansion - Easter Egg Hunt

Jack was invited to the Easter Egg hunt at the Georgia Governor's mansion hosted by First lady Mary Perdue. Jack is pictured with her here. It was a fantastic event and just a wonderful day.